About Us

Babywearing can be a challenging journey, not so easy to navigate.
If you want to order a carrier but your`e not sure about the model, fabric, or size, if you have a carrier at home but find it uncomfortable to wear, or if you’re not sure how to use it, we’re here to help!

  • Customer service is at your disposal, via phone or WhatsApp
  • Carrier instructors provide consulting, measurements, and carrier sales, either in face-to-face meetings or via Zoom. 
  • In the Facebook group, you can seek advice and share your experiences.
  • Carrier meetups are held regularly, with two scheduled for Sukkot and Passover. You can stay updated about additional meetups through the Facebook group.

List of babywearing consultants

from north to south

Most of the consultants are mobile and reach even more distant areas

Full namePhone numberLanguagesService areasAdditional professions
Rachel Halperin503077682Hebrew, RussianKarmiel and area
Yulia Rabinovich542241144Hebrew, RussianNorth (Gush Segev, Krayot, Karmiel, Haifa, Nesher, Tivon, Acre, Haharia, Nof haGalil, YokneamIBCLC breastfeeding consultant, Sleep consultant with holistic approach and considering the attachment theory
Haya Spivak528957706Hebrew, RussianNof haGalil, AfulaBreastfeeding instructor
Einat Begelfer546898359Hebrew, Russian, ArabianKrayot, Haifa, Tivon, Emeq Izrael, Zichron and areaIBCLC breastfeeding consultant, Social worker
Tal Sharabi Shir532440242Hebrew, EnglishTivon and area
Garanin Olga545651524Hebrew, Russian, EnglishHaifa, Krayot, Nesher and area
Shay Carmel Popliger525669511Hebrew, EnglishHaifa and Popka store in AzureParent's guide for reusable/cloth diapers and the attention method (scrutiny)