Baltic Amber Baby Teething Anklet Bracelet Honey Oval


Amber for Babies: Amber Teething Necklace and Bracelet
Amber teething necklace length: 32-34 cm
Amber teething bracelet length: 14-15 cm
Warranty: 3 months

Free shipping to the point of issue or by mail in Israel for purchases over 450 shekels. Postal or Fedex express shipping abroad

Return of goods within 14 calendar days minus postage and commission

1 year warranty on all baby carrying, not including mechanical damage


Amber teething necklaces and bracelets fit both boys and girls.

Amber teething necklaces and bracelets are specially designed for babies. The amber beads are strung on a strong thread and can serve your baby until the end of the teething period. All our products are made from genuine Baltic amber, and a securing knot is made between each bead so were it to break, the beads don’t scatter. Special screw clasp is made from amber plastic and ensures safety when applying excessive tearing force. Amber teething necklace safety is a major priority to us!

The beginning of teething can be a difficult period for both the baby and her parents. Often this process can carry on for a long time and is accompanied by severe anxiety, fever, violation of the rhythms of sleep, frequent crying and itching in the gum area.

How do you know when a baby is teething?
The beginning of teething is hard to miss. Signs of teething include increased drooling or dribbling, thumb sucking or biting, irritability and crankiness, as well as crying, restless sleep, and mild fever.

How long does teething stage last?
It usually starts at 4-7 months and lasts up to about 2.5 years, and it can also be repeated during the eruption of permanent teeth in older children. This uncomfortable process can be facilitated by one of the most ancient, authentic, tested and available methods – keeping the amber beads against the skin. All you need to do is just put a necklace on your baby.

How amber beads help teething?
Amber is one of the most ancient and valuable minerals. Even in ancient times, people living along the shores of the Baltic Sea, have learned to use the priceless healing qualities of this stone. Amber has disinfectant and antiseptic properties, and it naturally reduces excess acidity in the body. The ancient Egyptians used pine resin as an embalming agent, and the war physicians applied wood resin as a disinfectant to the wounds in case of lack of antiseptics, thus saving lives. This ancient stone is mined in many parts of the world, but only Baltic amber is called succinite due to the high content of succinic acid (succinate). Since ancient times, the genuine Baltic amber is known for its healing properties.
Amber is a natural antiseptic, it is used to treat and relieve headaches, eliminate hyperthyroidism, strengthen heart muscle, improve the functioning of respiratory system, kidneys, intestines. Amber also helps to increase hemoglobin in the blood and fight anemia. Besides, it contains microelements needed for the human body and does not contain heavy metal impurities. The active ingredient of Baltic amber, succinic acid, was analyzed by modern bacteriology as far back as 1886. Robert Koch confirmed the positive effect of succinic acid and found that there is no danger of excess succinic acid accumulation in the human body.
In the 1930s and 40s, European biochemists discovered that succinic acid is an amino acid of natural origin that activates aerobic respiration, allowing carbohydrates, fats and proteins to be converted into energy.
Recent scientific studies have shown that amber strengthens immunity, activates energy-related processes, and normalizes the balance of acids. Unfortunate environmental conditions prevailing in modern life block the natural flow of energy in cells. Blocking affects the cellular metabolism and significantly weakens the immune system, but the natural energy of amber can stimulate its renewal.
Wearing amber can also protect us from the negative effects of electrical equipment, such as computers, televisions, mobile phones and microwave ovens.
At body temperature, amber emits a small amount of amber oil, which penetrates through the skin and enters the bloodstream, where the succinic acid or succinate starts to act. Thus, the daily wearing of amber beads allows to reduce the general symptoms of teething in infants: reddening of the cheeks, swollen gums, increased salivation, diarrhea and fever.
All these unique properties make amber an ideal non-narcotic product for babies and children as well as pregnant and lactating mothers.

What is Baltic amber teething necklace?
Amber teething necklaces and bracelets are specially designed for babies. The amber beads are strung on a strong thread and can serve your baby until the end of the teething period. All our products are made from genuine Baltic amber, and a securing knot is made between each bead so were it to break, the beads don’t scatter. Special screw clasp is made from amber plastic and ensures safety when applying excessive tearing force. Amber teething necklace safety is a major priority to us!
Baby amber beads are unique and you can find models suitable for both boys and girls.

Certificate of Authenticity

Amber teething necklace: safety concerns

  • Baby amber beads are made for wearing, not for chewing or sucking! Amber is a soft material and can crack or break under too much pressure.
  • Baby amber necklaces should be worn under the supervision of an adult only.
  • We recommend removing the amber necklace whenever your child is sleeping or without supervision.
  • Thoroughly check the cord for signs of damage before each use, replacing if required.

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